Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Best Friend's Wedding

A cliché of a post title but there aren't that many other ways to say it. I'm biased, I know, but despite this I feel very confident in saying that my best friend was the most exquisite bride in the world. As expected, every detail was perfect, and the occasion was without question an affair to remember. I do, however, wish I had more and better pictures.

Taken moments before the "first look"
Found some friends at cocktail hour

And look who flew in from Arizona!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Napa Nuptuals

Took a weekend off from my MOH duties (my best friend's wedding is next week!) and went to Napa to celebrate the marriage of one of Sam's closest friends from college. I slacked off big time in picture-taking, so you'll have to take my word for it that the wedding was stunning. Of course, we also took advantage of Napa's major attraction (wine, of course).

Bonus: we realized it was our -1 year anniversary…exactly 365 days to go!

Awful quality but this back-row, fuzzy shot is the only one I have of the beautiful bride and groom