Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hats Off to the Chef

Ed's Chowder House on Manhattan's Upper West Side is one of my favorite restaurants. When my dad, an excellent chef and a foodie (whether he likes it or not), saw that Chef Ed Brown--THE "Ed"--was the headliner at the famed De Gustibus Cooking School, he recruited me to join him. Side note: going to De Gustibus is one of my all-time favorite NYC experiences; and you do not have to be a chef to enjoy it. Just as long as you like food (and in my case, food that comes with wine), you will have a wonderful time.

Ed is, without question, an artist and a culinary genius, but what struck me most was how down-to-earth he was, even making a point to stick around after "class"and mingle until the very last attendee had left.